Monday 15 September 2014

Depression-all around us but not always in a bad way


I was happily setting off on an excursion with some like minded people yesterday, enjoying our lovely Indian summer. As you do I struck up a conversation with a friend I have known for 3 years about not understanding how you some people have no interest in making the most of good weather-stay on their couches or whatever takes their sedentary fancy she shared how she has been a long term sufferer of depression.
As a result we had a great conversation about how she could spend months in a 'dark hole' not even able to dress, get out of bed or do the simplest of tasks. Claire(name changed) had made a conscious decision to start talking about her illness about a year ago with all the proactive articles, campaigns etc. trying to make us open up and use this domino effect to stir others into doing the same. Not because it makes you better but for her she felt it was her turn to halp others and I suppose perhaps the energy it takes to hide something so huge and part of your core takes alot of work.
Through the years and varying medications she has found talking at her local AWARE group meetings,  walking her dog and getting out there in the fresh air has given her the tools to live depression on a day to day basis.
There is a family history of depression in my own family and I have watched people very close to me struggle to take medication/not take medication/admit/not admit'they have a problem' and also succeed to manage this life long illness with great pride.
I always feel so privileged when someone like Claire chooses to confide their story in me. I would never underestimate how hard it must be to say those words and whether you suffer with depression of any form or share the load with someone take comfort in he knowledge all over Ireland, Europe, the world YOU ARE NOT ALONE. have loads of great information on the website and click on the link below for the september blog.

Also I have noticed a great poster campaign around Galway so I am sure it is nationwide recognising the first 5 signs of depression so look out for it.

Happy health.

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