Friday 24 October 2014

Herbs for Allergies

Herbs for Allergies
As I have just revisited herbs for allergies I thought you might like to see my presentation. Don't worry about the medical references, I don't go into them, I included some to address the constant challenge of 'where's the evidence'? well here's a little taster. Just because you are not familiar with it does not mean it does not exist.
Anyway that's not the main point. Nettles, eyebright, chamomile, plantain (ribwort), elderflower, grindelia, ground ivy and peppermint are the herbs in Dr Clare's range of herbal remedies suitable for mild to moderate symptoms used for self management. In combination they are nourishing, strengthening, anti-allergy, antispasmodic and digestive; because these are the herbal actions I find helpful for allergic symptoms. The blood cleansing effects of promoting sweating and urine flow help the body deal with the biochemical overload of over stimulation of the immune system and the calming effect on the nervous system is welcome in such distressing conditions.

The Hayfever Tea is most commonly used by people with hayfever but can be used for any allergic tendency including asthma and urticaria (a chronic condition of persistent or recurring itching and weals usually with no known provoking factor).

Khella and Ephedra are only suitable for practitioner use, and it is advisable to see a medical herbalist for moderate to severe asthma.

Remember to continue your asthma medication and only reduce in a stepdown treatment plan in conjunction with your healthcare provider.

I hope you find this interesting


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